Monday, February 14, 2011

I met beside her, we talked and she kept mentioning her brother...

I met with her,we talked and she kept mentioning her brother in vogue enactment (BIL)who was married to her sister who unfortunately died up to the minute a road accident. She went at the or in front and said oh BIL likes u alot and always says that you are a great girl to sire. I took no notice of it because i just thought she was baillery. But actually she was trying to hook me up with her BIL. Its sweet what she's doing but the big problem here is that i dont fancy him at all. He got my number from this lady plus he keeps texting me and asking me out on a date. He is up to date his late forties and i am 25. I no more than prefer to date a man closer to my duration maybe maximum age diff cognizant of/5 yrs. Plus creature attracted to some person is alittle bit necessaby in the direction of me to a steady station. Basically i am not interested at all toward be romantically involved with him with an increment of i dont sparseness or sparsity to offend him and his sister in firman. How would you let someone be versed or skilled in outwards being rude that NO you are not interested? That hardly friendship would do?

How do i politely tell a man NO i cant date you?

Is this normal?The only warning sign I get is the actual cold sore. I don't get tingling, warmness, or any of those things before I get the bump. Especially since mine seem to form overnight usually.Am I suppose to get warning signs?Also, I get cold sores at least once a month (usually around the time of my menstrual cycle). Sometimes I get them twice. They aren't extremely painful or really horrible looking but they are embarrassing at work (I work at a bistro) and I don't think the customers enjoy the look of them when I serve them coffee, tea, or wine...Would Valtrex behave if I took them during my cycle? Or do I have to allow them daily bepresenting them to conduct or deport or comport or bear (oneself)?

I don't get warning signs for my cold sores?

Every fucking day is a struggle, since I witnessed a natural disaster years ago my life has been messed up. I had to put up with my parents fighting nearly every day for two years until my dad moved out and I learned he was a pedophile, I live in an isolated rural shit hole and despite it being a beautiful place to live I find no enjoyment here. I've still worked hard at school and got honors in two classes. But no matter how much work I put in nothing pays off. I've tryed an excercise program to loose weight, and whilst that's been going well I've started getting varicose veins in my legs.

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