Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Whom prefer coffee as percentage of breakfast. We don't drink...

Whom lean or incline towards or on the side of coffee as part of breakfast.We don't white mule coffee in fashion my home. But, am doing this bepresenting my guest. So let me know anyone? Thanks.Just coveted to add. It didn't matter which flavor. Preferably honeyed good coffee.

Starbucks or Beans together with Brew?

I work at a convenience store. I have the graveyard shift and it was 6am. I was getting ready to cash out and suddenly a bunch of customers came into the store. It was packed and before I knew it, the coffee was empty and I was alternating between serving customers, making more coffee and finishing cashing out the second till.Anyway, the new management doesn't seem to have their shit together so paperwork is behind several days and everything hasn't been stocked in a while so the shelves were starting to become empty. Also, the air hose outside wasn't working and the lady that delivers the newspaper wasn't in yet.This guy comes into the store and literally starts bitching about everything. Our air hose didn't work, and there was no way to turn on the compressor because I wasn't trained on how to turn it on. Honestly I have no idea where the friggin compressor is located, and this isn't my fault either because the assistant manager deals with the compressor. The only things I'm responsible for is running the till, keeping the store clean and making coffee. Then he started bitching about yesterday's paper on the rack, then started bitching some more because we didn't have the cigarettes he wanted.I was literally ready to tell him to shut the fuck up. He was really getting on my nerves, and it didn't help that I had customers to serve and coffee to brew.Simply put, I heard that shouting at customers is a no-no so I didn't want to tell this guy off. Besides, if he complained to my manager, I probably would be screwed and out of a job because of what I did. But hey, it all turned around when the next employee came in to start the morning shift and she told me we got paid the day before. I had no idea so on my way home I stopped at the bank, and sure enough I had money in my account. I completely forgot about this entire situation when I saw that lol.So anyway, I'm pretty sure shouting at customers isn't allowed, right? I guess it also depends on where you work and the manager's policies on things like this.

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