Sunday, March 27, 2011

Thanks a ton!!!. . My room needs in the direction of look cool!...

Thanks a pot(s)!!!

My room needs to look cool! Ideas?

really want to make my room look awesome! But I don't want to pay over 100 bucks for one thing. I already know that I am going to splatter paint the walls, but I don't want my walls to look wacky and make my room busy looking. So I think I am going to use a white or a very light colored base and then use purple, blue, green, orange, and yellow for splatter paint colors. I need some nice furniture! I really like the bubble chair that hangs from the ceiling but I am not going to spend a big chunk of cash on it so if its under 100 bucks that would be great! Also I need cool accessories like lamps, clocks, and stuff like that. I am also getting a desk and swivel chair and a small coffee table variety thing. I dransmit probably obtain the furniture at Walmart but not the bubble chair since they pedagogue't sell them... Please help!!! I need some modern numero uno cool ideas to. Oh, and I am a 14 yr old Colloq chick... if that helps. Thanks a ton!!!

New room!!! Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

I really want to make my room look awesome! But I don't want to pay over 100 bucks for one thing. I already know that I am going to splatter paint the walls, but I don't want my walls to look wacky and make my room busy looking. So I think I am going to use a white or a very light colored base and then use purple, blue, green, orange, and yellow for splatter paint colors. I need some nice furniture! I really like the bubble chair that hangs from the ceiling but I am not going to spend a big chunk of cash on it so if its under 100 bucks that would be great! Also I need cool accessories like lamps, clocks, and stuff like that. I am also getting a desk and swivel chair and a small coffee hold off or up (on) sort thing. I will probably get the furniture at Walmart omitting not the seethe stool considering they docent't sell them... Please help!!! I poverty some Colloq in super cool ideas to. Oh, and I am a 14 yr aged girl... if that helps. Thanks a ton!!!

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