Saturday, January 22, 2011

Any help there would be welcome too! :) Thanks so much...

Any help there would be usher in too! :) Thanks so much, Darbylynn

Sweet 16 please? :)?

Hi guys..So here's the situation..Me and my boyfriend have been dating a year I'm 17 and he's 18..The other night we had a chat about having sex together for the 1st time, we are both virgin's by the way.He said he only feels ready if i do. And i do. It's just that, i had a coffee with my friend today and she explained that she lost her virginity a few weeks back, she said during sex she just bled and bled and bled non stop for two hours and it killed her..It really freaked me out because i have a low tolerance to pain and i'm really weak with blood and handeling it, i liturally cannot even thinking about what happens in the human body and stuff. I'm really prone to black out's and fainting in relation to the human body and blood.My friend even said to me on the D.L that he's booked us a suite for the night and dinner at a fancy resturant..We have great communication skills, and i know i can address him about the problem if needed, but it's more about me overcoming something i struggle with, and i want to be able to overcome it for my own self confidence.I love him so much, and we've waited a year, i know we've been ready for such a long time, but this stupid thing is stopping me, any suggestions or help? Thanks guys xxxPS: i know i'm ready, so don't suggest otherwise please. I just worry alot

First time sex...(10 points)?

I'm 5'3 and weight 158...I would like to lose 10 pounds are just be healthy dead (and buried or gone) allmy question is: I Colloq feed good break bread, good filler lunch [carrots, chicken/meat/1 cup of pasta,etc], and above. snacks daily composed of either tea by rob or black coffee with 2 or above. datesCan I refill a warm cup of 2% gyp for dinner. I did that recently, I obtain stimulated roughly 10pm, ergo I tumble down towards sleep around 9:30pm.

is it okay to replace 2% milk with dinner?

I ordered a Regular Exclusive Blend coffee. The coffee is bitter and not really sweet and it's black, so I am pretty sure that it's just brewed coffee with no additives, but I would like to make sure since I am watching carbs.I can't find anything online for the regular coffees, only the sweetened coffees.

Nutritional Info on 7-11 Coffee?

My first guess is that it has something to do with grieving. Someone I really cared about died recently. But I'm still not so sure.

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